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True Love True Love True Love Help me to see Help me to see Help me to remember That every Every everyone Is inviting me to see Everyone is inviting Inviting me to be free Will I choose? Will I choose? To be empowered as I am? Or will I beg for validation? Will I beg for love? Will I beg to be seen? Perhaps perhaps Perhaps Were all beggars on the street? We just live it differently Putting makeup and clothes to Hide our vulnerabilities Vulnerability. If only I could see That everyone is Searching for The same thing that I am. Can we remind Each other? Can we remind each other? And that all we need is love The only place We'll find it Is in our hearts Inside Only, only Only inside Will do And when we love another When we love another It showing us how much Love is inside Love is inside It's pouring out of me So much love So much love Is pouring out of me If I remember If I remember There's enough to go around Can I start by feeding All the hungry children that live in me? Nurturing Nurturing Nourishing Begins On the inside On the inside On the inside Then it can grow to infinity There's no depths There's no heights There no distances It can't reach. Remembering That all we want That all we need Is love Is love Is love Is love All we need All we are Is love ** by Aloha Jacqueline 7 August 2022