In the slowness I am not bound to time I find my self as if suspended in the space between. I begin noticing everything even the slightest breeze on my bare skin the light streaming through the trees and the way the leaves jostle back and forth as if dancing with the wind I notice some are alive some are dying some surely no longer living yet still dancing attached to the living tree I notice the brown leaves on the ground That have fallen And settled They will surely decompose And nurture the roots of the growing tree under which I have come to rest I notice the pink flower standing out amidst all the green That surrounds me It's so bright I can almost taste it's sweetness It's beauty so simple So potent I notice my breathing I notice my body I notice my heart beating I notice I am alive Then I hear her voice I notice her breathing And even when She's not saying anything I feel her Know she is here My heart expands Beyond what I have known Beyond my understanding Tears run down my face Grateful For this moment la dolcezza di adesso la dolcezza della lentezza la dolcezza della vita la dolcezza dell'amore the sweetness of her the sweetness of me the sweetness of She
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I love this poem, Aloha. It is so song like. Beautiful 🩷